Semester: 6 / Spring
Lectures/Classes: 10 / 15 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: There is a limit of 16 people registered for a particular course None.
Contact person: dr Anna Woźniak-Biel anna.wozniak-biel@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the biology and farming rules of fur-covered animals (foxes, minks, ferrets, rabbits, chinchillas). The course program includes the knowledge of the diseases of fur animals, principles of therapy, immunoprophylaxis programs for selected species. In addition, students become familiar with sampling methods and learn how to restrain fur animals to make correctly the clinical examination. They learn the diagnostics methods useful for that group of animals.
Full description: The course includes following questions: biology, farming and keeping fur-covered animals (foxes, arctic foxes, minks, racoon dogs, rabbits, chinchillas). Principles of nutrition carnivore and herbivore fur animals. Bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases of carnivores and herbivores. Diseases caused by vitamins and minerals deficiency and metabolic diseases. Proceeding of veterinary doctor on the farm - epizootiological investigation. Principles of fur animals medical treatment: drugs, immunoprophylaxis, biosecurity. Restrain techniques and clinical examination, drug administration, sampling methods. Fur animals necropsy.
Bibliography: None.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - the student identifies some etiologic agents of viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases of fur animals - the student describes the symptoms of the diseases occurring in different species of fur animals (foxes, minks, rabbits and chinchillas) - the student presents and plans basic diagnostic tests for fur animals - the student acquires theoretical knowledge about the breeding and rearing of fur animals Skills: - the student performs clinical and post-mortem examination of fur animals - the student collects the material from fur animals for laboratory tests - the student acquires practical skills to prevent and treat diseases of fur animals Social competences: - the student has ability to function in an environment of uncertainty and stress - the student keeps ethical norms
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: The rating obtained for the classes of 50% and an assessment of credit obtained from the lectures 50% ---> Credit. Final assessment: 100% credit.

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